Man is born to live,not to prepare for life.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


    Written Speech

    The technology of electronic communication has provided a third medium, which occupies the middle ground between spoken and written language, and reflects the fact that the Internet is electronic, global and interactive. In other words, cyber language is written language, but reads as if it is spoken language. The nature of the language does, however, depend on the technology being used and the recipient; email messages, for example, may resemble a traditional letter or written speech.


  • Cyber language contains abbreviations, acronyms, variations on words -- which may include common prefixes, suffices or blends -- and graphical icons, known as avatars. Typical examples of cyber language include well-known abbreviations, such as:
    •  lol (laugh out loud)
    •  omg (oh my god)
    •  l8r (later)
    •  paw (parents are watching)
     In the absence of avatars, communicators often create their own "emoticons" from basic punctuation marks:
    •  :) or :-) represents a smile
    •  :( or :-( represents a frown
    • :() or :-() might indicate that the sender cannot stop talking. 
    Cyber language does indicates that we are really talking to the person or to express our feelings. However, there are some arguments that assume cyber language had ruined or become the termite that eats the value of language. How did this things should be overcome?

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