Man is born to live,not to prepare for life.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


    Written Speech

    The technology of electronic communication has provided a third medium, which occupies the middle ground between spoken and written language, and reflects the fact that the Internet is electronic, global and interactive. In other words, cyber language is written language, but reads as if it is spoken language. The nature of the language does, however, depend on the technology being used and the recipient; email messages, for example, may resemble a traditional letter or written speech.


  • Cyber language contains abbreviations, acronyms, variations on words -- which may include common prefixes, suffices or blends -- and graphical icons, known as avatars. Typical examples of cyber language include well-known abbreviations, such as:
    •  lol (laugh out loud)
    •  omg (oh my god)
    •  l8r (later)
    •  paw (parents are watching)
     In the absence of avatars, communicators often create their own "emoticons" from basic punctuation marks:
    •  :) or :-) represents a smile
    •  :( or :-( represents a frown
    • :() or :-() might indicate that the sender cannot stop talking. 
    Cyber language does indicates that we are really talking to the person or to express our feelings. However, there are some arguments that assume cyber language had ruined or become the termite that eats the value of language. How did this things should be overcome?

Information Sharing

Social Networking
Social networking is a recent invention that has the Internet still at the edge of its seat due to its popularity with people. This is mostly because it really is for the people. Bringing every kind of social group together in one place and letting them interact is really a big thing indeed. Everything about it lies on the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, and what it can do for you.
Here are the advantages that can be more than enough for you to want to join in.

Low Costs
Definitely, it's cheaper to use online social networking for both personal and business use because most of it is usually free. While personal use is rather simple for anyone, the business functions are underestimated by many. In a social networking site, you can scout out potential customers and target markets with just a few clicks and keystrokes, adding a boost to your usual advertisements and promotional strategies. It lets you learn about their likes and dislikes, which is tremendous. If you want to fine tune your business, then this is the way to go, whether on a budget or not.

Builds Credibility
You definitely can gain the customers' confidence if you can connect to them on both a personal and professional level. Despite having to do a bit of work, it definitely pays off as you can be tapped for an offer if someone catches wind of your products or services. As long as you don't pursue them too aggressively, you will do well here.

You are friends with people who have other friends, and so on. There is potential in such a common situation. By using a social networking site, you can do what you can and get connected with these people to form a web of connections that can give you leverage if you play your cards right. As long as you give as well as you recieve, then they will most likely stick with you. These connections are definitely valuable in the long run.
That definitely sounds enticing.


Lack of Anonymity
You are putting out information about your name, location, age, gender, and many other types of information that you may not want to let others know. Most people would say be careful, but no one can be certain at any given time. As long as people can know who you exactly are, then some can find ways to do you in.

Scams and Harassment
There is a potential for failure of security in both personal and business context. While many sites apply certain measures to keep any of these cases of harassment, cyber-stalking, online scams, and identity theft to an absolute minimum, you still may never know.

Time Consuming
If this is not your kind of thing, that it would just be a waste of time for you. The key to social networking is that it is supposed to be fun, whether you are just doing it for kicks or clicking around for business purposes. That should be reasonable enough for anyone, but there are those people who don't see the point. For them, it can be a disadvantage.
Now there is something to really think about. Nothing is without a blemish, but those of this type of networking shouldn't really be that much of a concern regarding your safety. As long as you go along without making big mistakes, then it is all good. You can take advantage of the Internet phenomenon that continues up to this day.
Once you understand the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, then you can cruise through without fail.


Social networking does gives its own advantages and drawbacks, however, will this kind of network will evolve in the future? and what are the probability that this kind of network will last in a long time?

Sunday 15 April 2012

Online Communication

The term "online communication" refers to reading, writing, and communication via networked computers. It encompasses synchronous computer-mediated communication and asynchronous computer-mediated communication and the reading and writing of online documents via the World Wide Web. Some of you must be wondering what is synchronous and asynchronous communication right? 

  1. Synchronous - A situation where people communicate in real time via chat or discussion software, with all participants at their computers at the same time.
  2. Asynchronous -  A situation people communicate in a delayed fashion by computer, using programs such as e-mail.
Just For View :)
Synchronous tools : 
- If using the “same time, different place” model of communication, some common barriers to implementation of synchronous tools are cost and bandwidth—not only cost and bandwidth on your end, as the individual teacher or the institution, but also to the students.
Tool Useful for Drawbacks
Audio conferencing Discussions and dialogue Cost, especially when international participation is involved
Web conferencing Sharing presentations and information Cost, bandwidth; may also require audio conferencing to be useful
Video conferencing In-depth discussions with higher-touch interactions Cost, limited availability of video conferencing systems
Chat Information sharing of low-complexity issues Usually requires typing, "lower touch" experience
Instant messaging Ad hoc quick communications All users must use compatible system, usually best for 1:1 interactions
White boarding Co-development of ideas Cost, bandwidth; may also require audio conferencing to be useful
Application sharing Co-development of documents Cost, bandwidth; may also require audio conferencing to be useful

Asynchronous tools : 
- When it comes to virtual communication in support of our classes, asynchronous communication is by far the more popular model if for no other reason than the barriers to implementation tend to be much lower and many of these tools are free and require minimal hardware and software.
Tool Useful for Drawbacks
Discussion boards Dialogue that takes place over a period of time May take longer to arrive at decisions or conclusions
Web logs (Blogs) Sharing ideas and comments May take longer to arrive at decisions or conclusions
Messaging (e-mail) One-to-one or one-to-many communications May be misused as a "collaboration tool" and become overwhelming
Streaming audio Communicating or teaching Static and typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas
Streaming video Communicating or teaching Static and typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas
Narrated slideshows Communicating or teaching Static and typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas
"Learning objects"
(Web-based training)
Teaching and training Typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas in detail
Document libraries Managing resources Version control can be an issue unless check-in / check-out functionality is enabled
Databases Managing information and knowledge Requires clear definition and skillful administration
Web books Teaching and training Not dynamic and may lose interest of users
Surveys and polls Capturing information and trends Requires clear definition and ongoing coordination
Shared Calendars Coordinating activities System compatibility
Web site links Providing resources and references May become outdated and "broken"

Browsing Strategies

Browser, short for web browser, is a software application used to enable computers users to locate and access web pages. Browsers translates the basic HTML (Hypertext Mark Up Language) code that allows us to see images, text videos and listen to audios on websites, along with hyperlinks that let us travel to different web pages. The browser gets in contact with the web server and requests for information. The web server receives the information and displays it on the computer.

There are different browsers for various things you do on the internet. There's a text based browser. With a text based browser you are only allowed to see text. Graphical material are not displayed. Hyperlinks are accessed by typing it in through the keyboard. An example of a text based browser is LYNX. There's a graphical browser and that allows the user to see all types of multimedia.
There are several types of browsers but the one thing they have in common is that they carry out the same function, they transfer hypertext. Here are some familiar common web browsers:
  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Netscape Navigator
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer

Search Engines

         Search engines are programs that help you in finding information on the web and the Internet. A search engine is a program that finds Web sites, pages, images, videos, news maps, and other information related to a specific topic or anything that you insisted to find.
         As example, Google's search engine like most others, provides two different search approaches which are keyword search and directory search.

       Search engines and web browsers are very essential to the Internet users and nowadays there are various types of search engines. What will happen if there are too many web browsers? and how did we as the users decide which search engines is the best?